Tuesday, 2 July 2019




"Constitution is the guide which i will never abandon" 
 by George Washington
    Independence day is a  Federal holiday   celebrated  of United states in memorating the declaration of independence on 4TH of JULY 1776. The Continental Congress declared that the thirteen American colonies were no longer subject (and subordinate) to the monarch of Britain and were now united, free, and independent states. On 2nd july the Congress had voted to declare independence two days earlier, but it was not declared until July 4.

Independence day is celebrated by  by fireworks ,parades ,barbeques,  carnival ,fairs, political speeches.Independence day is the national day in united states .Declaration of independence day is signed by 56 people  by 13 colonies  and the average signer age is 45 year old George Washington was the first president of united states after independence.

On the occasion of independence  day people of united states host a parties with  both non-veg (meat) and veg  mostly hot dogs  .

I will tell you some fun facts of independence day ...

  • Salmon is the most common traditional food  in eating on the occasion of Indpendence day. 

  •  On  independence day  ,united states uses 200 milion fireworks brings from china.

  • John Hancock was  the president of the Continental Congress and one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence..

  • From the american revolution   american celebrates independence from Britain.
  • .

Monday, 1 July 2019

Benefits of technology in the classrooms

Benefits of technology in the classrooms

Student learning from laptops

Students prefer technology because they believe that it makes learning more interesting and fun. Students learns more from technologies than text books. Students are more curious of learning from technologies like laptops tablet and phones. I do not agree that technologies gives advantages to the student but it also gives disadvantages too.

          Here are the some new points to be discussed about the learning from the technologies
And benefits from the technologies .So lets starts…
1.   Technologies boost up brain
Technologies  as altered human physiology .It makes us think differently
It makes us feel differently . It makes us dream differently.

2.   Technologies  helps in easiest way to learning
Technologies like video and  audio learning  ,3d learning etc  are the  ways to learn complex questions easily.

3.   Learning from the technologies provide more fun  than text book
Learning from games like stimulation games makes more fun and deep learning to its work .

4.   Encourages  individual learning  as well as collaborate learning
 Theory behind the move to use technology to expand the collaboration relies on both social science and recent development in cognitive science that helps us better to understand the learning process.

5.     Technologies helps student to learn useful life skills
Book give relevant and appropriate knowledge but does not provide life lessons and grow up new skills.

                      And this is from me  tell me your opinion’s and suggestion in the comment box and I will  appreciate your comments.   


            MEMORIAL DAY OF USA- INDEPENDENCE DAY "Constitution is the guide which i will never abandon"    by G ...